
Posts Tagged ‘family’

016‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear and the burden I give you is light.’ ~Jesus

When people I love are hurting I find myself standing helplessly at the base of the giant mountain called ‘insurmountable inadequacy.’  I feel frustrated, awkward, wanting to say the right thing at the right time, wanting it fixed right now. Let me take your pain. Please.

065In the critiquing process of specific conversations I replay the words I meant to be loving and encouraging, whipping out that big, imaginary red pen and start marking away. ‘Why did I say it that way? I meant this but I bet it sounded like that…’  And on and on the self-talk plays out in the circular conversation that only I can hear.

Growing up I lived among a family who loved well. I would have picked no other group of people to live, laugh and love with these past 55 years.  But if this family had one glaring defect it would be its aversion to conflict and facing hard stuff head on.042

In my growing up years and as a young adult, there were two techniques used to face the hard stuff we all encounter on this path called life. The first is what I will call the ‘stick-your-head-in-the-sand’ technique. Just pretend it is not there. If you don’t see it, it’s not a problem. The second was to simply gloss over the deep pain, the devastating news, with the simple cliché that ‘everything is going to be okay.’

When my mom died suddenly three years ago we all got a crash-course on getting real. Thank you Jesus!

From that day forward God has been showing me the better path of entering in and walking beside those who have great hurts, deep wounds, just heard the worst news, and are living circumstances that can not and will not be fixed today. Or tomorrow.

It has been my hardest life lesson.

Here is what has been the most pleasant surprise, though. God walks beside me as I walk beside the precious one who is hurting.

I’ve decided to put fear on the shelf and believe God when He says that He is sufficient to meet all needs. Here is what this looks like in the practical:

Instead of just sending someone a card when I hear they have cancer I actually sit across a table from them (with no words…there are NO words) entering into their pain up close and personal. While they speak words that often times are clinging to the last thread of hope I ask God, “What next? What are my next words? I’ve got nothing here, God. Quick. She’s finishing her sentence.”043

Or the friend whose hubby just lost his job. Or the friend whose kids are so far off the tracks she’s having trouble finding God’s plan (and goodness) in the big picture.

God has yet to leave me hanging. I can stand today and honestly say this is indeed the better path. I am living and learning it. Up close and personal.

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Lucky Seven

‘Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.  It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.  Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.’ ~1 Corinthians 13image

We kicked off birthday week with frozen yogurt. Chocolate and vanilla with three toppings. Two sugary scoops is our norm, but it’s birthday week. And you only turn seven once.

Tucker, living smack dab in the middle of the childhood wonder years is so excited. ‘Grandma, did you go shopping for my birthday present yet?’ I glanced in the rear view mirror and saw Skylar’s eyes light up. Skylar is three and his mama had warned me that keeping birthday secrets was not his forte. I locked eyes with him and with my best telepathic, furrowed-brow stare reminded him of our big-boy talk earlier that day.

imageHe bit his tongue and pulled back the words that were so ready to gush forth: ‘Yes Tucker! We did! We got you a….’

Tucker picked up on this secret rear view mirror communication and saw the look on his brother’s face. It is the look that all three year olds possess: I have all the power. Don’t mess with me!

Knowing his brother better than anyone else on the planet the birthday boy yelled, ‘Skylar, don’t tell me!’

Skylar looked up at my pleading eyes in that tiny mirror, dropped his shoulders and smiled. Catastrophe averted. T-man and I let out a sigh of relief. Who knows what secrets were divulged after I dropped them off at home. Optimist that I am, I drove away hoping that the secret stayed locked in that little blonde boy’s heart.  I’m a dreamer, I know.image

This is one of the most beautiful things about being a grandma. You are allowed to love-without-limits these future men, husbands, fathers, and at the end of a day of gut-giggles, spoiling (and really, did anyone ever die from grandparent over-indulgence?!) deep little-boy ponderings and games galore, you simply pull up, unload, and deposit them back into the loving care of their mom and dad.

I love this grandma gig. It’s all about the love.

The prayers of a grandma never turn off. Some of you know this. Throughout the daytime routine and the sometimes sleepless nights my heart communicates with the One who knows me the best and loves me the most.

This morning as I reflect on our sweet boy turning seven today, my heart and lips imageoverflow with thanksgiving for this precious family. A mom and dad who laugh, love, train and play well. Two little men who have introduced me to a love I did not know existed before I met them.

Happy Birthday, Tucker! Today is your day. Enjoy seven. It is a wondrous year, little man.

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‘Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own.  Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.’ ~Proverbs 3:5-6

mom&joThree years.  It’s funny how a period of time can seem like it has gone fast and slow all at the same time.  If measured by days, sunrises and sunsets, then there have been 1,096 of them. Spring, summer, fall and winter, we have cycled through three times.

My days. Days filled with life, love, little boys, big boys. The beautiful brides.  Some nights, late at night, I close my eyes and play back the memory reel in my mind. Like favorite scenes in a movie I see our days play out: beach vacations, Christmas mornings, pool barbecues, birthdays, anniversaries.

Mothers’ days…

Treasured memories tucked away safe in the deepest well of my heart.  Memories that no longer include her.

My days are like your days. There are highs and lows, good and bad, joy and sorrow.  She’s missed so many days.

015He was only six weeks old when Mom passed. Our sweet Skylar.  I think to myself almost daily, ‘Oh Mom, you would have loved this little blonde boy.’  I’m not sure if there’s a window from heaven to earth but I like to believe there might be.  Imagining that she sees how much I love being a grandma brings joy to my heart.

I like to imagine Mom in her new heavenly home.  I  have seen her in dreams.  Some nights as I drift off to sleep I ask God to please bring her to me in my dreams. And He has.

Losing your mom is something you never get over.  I know this now.  It is something you walk through and live with for the remainder of your days.  Experience has taught me to draw strength from those who love me. God has placed an amazing family around me and in the early days when the sorrow tried to pull me under they were there to prop me up.

Family. One of God’s best ideas.

On the eve of that unexpected day I find myself in a new place.  Strength has returned and joy is full.  Just this week I shared with my beautiful daughter-in-love Cori these words:  ‘I’m back!’  She smiled and her eyes twinkled.  She knows.  She is also a member of this exclusive club.

Jesus is generous and kind and surprises me each day with another dimension of His love.  It’s humbling.  But I receive it. One day at a time.

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